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I'm New Here
(We were at one time too.)
Pam and I want each First Time Newcomer to know they are welcome, wanted, and valued at Chester’s First Baptist Church. We hope your time with us was uplifting and discovered that CFBC is a place that loves God and loves people (click here to meet our staff).
Call or text us if you have any questions. Our number is 618.615.2933. We hope you decide to come back for a second time next Sunday!
Chester’s First Baptist Church
Est. 1937
Our goal at CFBC is to follow:
The Great Commandment (Matt. 22.36-40) &
The Great Commission (Matt. 28.19-20.)
Our mission statement is from that simple goal:
Love God, Love People & Live Like Jesus.
CFBC offers . . .
- Sunday Worship Service @ 10:30 AM & Saturdays @ 5:00PM
- Connect Groups in person on Wednesdays @ 6:00 PM and online,
- Uplifting Worship, Encouraging Preaching, & No Jacket Required.
- Many opportunities to serve His Kingdom, grow in your faith, and to be a blessing to The 62233,
- An imperfect church, for imperfect people, led by an imperfect pastor helping one another experience and grow in the perfect love of an awesome God.