Easter Week – Easter week can be a busy time of the year: visiting family and other spring plans. However, we must take a step back and remember why Easter is such a big deal. CFBC offers a place for you to remember the reason for Easter. Find out more about our Easter week services below.
Palm Sunday – CFBC’s Easter week will begin on March 24th We will celebrate Jesus’ coming to Jerusalem. All attendees of the service will leave with their very own palm branch. What a great reminder! Make sure to bring your kids or grandkids with you because we will have an Easter Egg Hunt at the end of the service (around 11:30ish).
Get directions to the service and Easter Egg Hunt (click here).
Maundy Thursday – Then on Thursday, March 28th we will meet again for a Maundy Thursday service. This is a time when we remember Jesus’ breaking of bread and look toward the sacrifice that he will (has) made. This service will include worship, communion, and a brief message. This service will begin at 7 pm.
Get directions to the Maundy Thursday Service (click here).
Good Friday – On Good Friday CFBC will partner with different churches in the community to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for all people. This service is powerful and offers great insight into the real meaning of Easter. CFBC will meet at Grace Church in Chester, IL. and celebrate as one unified community of believers. This service will begin at 7 pm.
Get directions here (click here).
Sunrise Service – Join us as we come together early in the morning on Easter Sunday, March 31st! We will meet as the sun is rising at the Chester Evergreen Cemetery (beside Chester Motomart) at 6:45 am. It is a short and sweet service that is filled with worship, communion, and Scripture. After the service, we will have a free breakfast for you back at Chester First Baptist Church’s dining area. The breakfast will be open from 7 am – 8 am.
Get directions to Evergreen Cemetery in Chester, IL.
Get directions to the free breakfast after the service (click here).
Easter Sunday – On Easter Sunday, March 31st we will have two services for your convenience. We will have a service at 8:00 am and then another at 10:30 am. We will also live stream the 10:30 am service on our Facebook.